Jobs - Guildford, Surrey - On Track Recruitment and Training Ltd - Recruitment solutions in Surrey and Hampshire

Career advice

Our recruitment consultants willingly offer all candidates advice and resources with which to improve their CVs and prepare for job interviews. It is crucial to create a professional impression before and during the interview, and our recruitment consultants can assist you.

Curriculum Vitae - Preparation and Presentation

Your CV is a vital marketing tool when seeking employment and you should take time preparing it. Think about how you want to present yourself, and consider the specific job role and responsibilities - make sure that your relevant skills, qualifications and experience are emphasised.

Key things to include on your CV:

  • Your name and contact details
  • Qualifications and courses
  • Brief personal profile/career summary
  • List of key skills
  • Employment history (with your most recent
  • role first) - job title, company name, dates of employment and key areas of responsibility

Interview - Advice and Techniques


Prior to attending an interview you should be absolutely clear about what is written on your CV (be prepared to provide evidence to back up your statements). Know why you are interested in the role and why the company should be interested in you!
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Other areas for consideration are:

  • Find out company details via the website or library. If you cannot find any literature, telephone the company and ask for information to be sent to you
  • Prepare questions to ask
  • Plan your journey – get a map if necessary
  • Decide what to wear – this should be appropriate to the position; a suit is the most acceptable
All job advice sessions are conducted in private surroundings at a time that is convenient to you. This way you are guaranteed our individual attention free from any interruptions - giving us the opportunity to assess your skills, experience and personal qualities.
Arrange for a personal meeting where we will assess and optimise your CV for employers. Call
01252 727 887
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  •     Give a firm, warm handshake
  •     Smile occasionally and nod
  •     Keep a good posture
  •     Maintain eye contact with the interviewer
  •     Look interested
  •     Spellcheck your CV


  • Leave your mobile on
  • Smoke before the interview
  • Be negative about other employers
  •    or colleagues
  • Ask about salary as your first question
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